Monday, March 28, 2011

LIFE continues

I just finished sitting with son, his paramour, and his paternal grandmother at the bank, in front of a loans person. To sum up this long chatty visit, the bank cannot process a loan until my son and his paramour have their lives in better order. In other words, they both need to have proof of employment, and they have to clear a little no-fault problem off of their credit record.

It is so interesting to see how Universe is holding the door closed to them. Or maybe it is only to my son. It had flung doors wide open for him when he moved here. Unfortunately, because the paramour was so certain of this move, they have virtually burned their bridges here in Duncan. And yours truly, meaning I, was beginning to look forward to their departure. I have other children living close by and one of them is particularly keen to come up to Duncan for an extended visit. Despite having resolved the negative feelings that I thought were associated with the prospect of son and paramour's departure, I admit that I remained resistent to becoming completely free of my sense of confusion and concern about this move.

I sometimes think that ruffled feelings have as much to do with being out of alignment with Source as to do with believing in duality. I suppose that upon deep contemplation of the previous sentence, one might arrive at the insight that alignment with Source is the same as experiencing non-duality. Anyway, what I am attempting to convey is the notion that ruffled feelings are an indication that one has made the wrong choice, or there is something needing to be done. Adyashanti talks about choices and describes how when he came to a fork in his spiritual road, he could have elected to become a monk and the invitation was there for him to do so, but some part of his being would not allow him to commit. Actually, this is another example of how one really doesn't have power.

And speaking of power, son and paramour don't seem to have any power, either. Paramour can say yes to a job offer just as Adyashanti could have said yes to the invitation to become a monk, but Universe is intervening and making it very difficult for them. It is possible, and my son suggested that this would happen, that she will go on to the new job and he will stay here. If this were to become their next move, it will be interesting to see how the Universe helps her. Son and paramour went back with his paternal grandmother to try and work things out; Nana showed them her bank book and I think she has enough money to fund the move and may be relenting and is planning to do that. We will see if that is the way the Universe wants things to happen. They do not need any more debt, nor the stress it will cause them.

I remember reading in a book, it might have been Joan Borysenko's Your Soul's Compass: What is Spiritual Guidance? about a fairly local to Duncan First Nation's team of canoe builders. These people had decided to build a canoe using the "old ways" which had been somewhat forgotten and there were not too many elders, if any, to teach them. Apparently, it was a huge struggle to get it right and some people might believe that Source caused the building of this canoe to be difficult because it was not meant to be. But in the view of the First Nations, a huge struggle is a sign that something is meant to be born. The difference as I see it at the moment is dependent on the way the proverbial doors close and/or open for one and has little to do with the difficulty of the process. I know people who have overcome tremendous odds: they kept pushing and pushing and something finally gave, or they inched slowly forward, and eventually they accomplished what they needed to accomplish. I must be mindful of this as being a perfectly valid means of travelling one's path.


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