This morning, I appreciated the reminder to "Go within; get quiet; become still until the peace that passeth understanding descends." Sometimes, I don't manage to stay in the meditative state long enough to achieve this, and I can probably count on the digits of one hand the number of sessions when I have done this really well. I often break off the meditation when I am battling with it and it doesn't seem to be achieving anything except for a level of frustration. Sometimes, I will go "out into the world" and put some pressing tasks behind me, then return and try to meditate again. I continue to strive to discipline myself to return to brief periods of meditation throughout the day: however, I keep forgetting to run around busily thinking that it is God that is doing the running around and not me. Oh well!!!
This morning, Cowichan Bay was hailed and sleeted upon. I consider hail to be unusual for February. Around here, it is a behaviour one expects around the time of the summer solstice. Sleet is perfectly acceptable. I realized that there must be some solar storms hitting Earth's atmosphere and wondered if that is why I had a headache last night. I am very sensitive to energy. I wear a lot of natural fibres to help my body cope with this problem as I think that nylon and polyester clothing upsets my energy field and causes me to feel fatigued. I am nervous to shake hands with people because I tend to transmit a fairly violent noisy shock of lightening between our bodies. Despite warnings that this will probably happen, some people have been quite startled by the power of these shocks: should I say they were shocked? I have to be very careful around computers as I can cause them to go haywire and screens to go black. This is particularly a problem if I am upset as I used to be around the time that my ADD afflicted ex- was leaving me for his next wife. We have a full moon tomorrow night and that coupled with a solar storm should be quite interesting.
Yesterday and today, I have been busier than usual, mostly with little projects that are not routine. For example, I made cat and dog food this morning which is a regular event, but when I came to stow it in the freezer, I first cleaned out the freezer. Then I groomed Sadie who is starting to shed her undercoat -- Pomeranians can be double-coated and Sadie's fluffy-stuff undercoat comes loose from her body and forms little matts inside her hair at this time of the year. Later, I extracted a cast iron pedestal (leg) for a round table from behind my studio cottage and took it out to the driveway and placed it in a newly formed rut which keeps reappearing because somebody is driving a big truck up the driveway and leaving the gravel portion and travelling on my soggy wet sod (grass). I have had to repair these ruts in my sod, twice and if I don't repair them, come summer time when the grass grows long, I run the risk of stepping in one of these holes and twisting my ankle. The neighbour assures me it isn't they or their friends who are running off the driveway onto my sod, but they are the only people who use this driveway. The previous owners of my property also left some interesting large but rotting pieces of driftwood in the pond garden so I grabbed one of them and put it in the damaged trench which I had just repaired as well as I could, slightly uphill of the iron pedestal. If anybody backs into these objects, it should give them quite a start. As I am on a roll with little projects, I started knitting another cotton dish cloth.
Anyway, my point is that I am finding that these projects have been enriching my life. I had slumped into a state of doing little while waiting for life to improve. I have to admit that I performed all of these activities without giving a single thought to God or invoking It only remembering later in time that I should have invoked God; and instead I have worked at these tasks without realizing that it's really God that is doing them, not me, and then I feel guilty of negligence.
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