Thursday, July 21, 2011


I have decided to have another go at A Course in Miracles. I have tried it before, been part of a "Course in Miracles" discussion group, and infrequently take the book off the shelf to read a snippet of it. I am using it to attempt to keep my Self focused on my spiritual development. I am being distracted by my garden which, in its own way, is a spiritual experience. I think that I will always take moments during my walks to indulge in some brief episodes of mindfulness and meditation. This is because it has now become a habit and I enjoy it. Lately, I have been drawn to look up and wallow in the beauty of the sky, cloud patterns, and the many hues and shades that predominate therein. So now, while walking Sadie, I look up and have to remind my Self to look down so that I don't trip or slip.

I continue to be extremely happy. I am finding it easier and easier to forgive and even appreciate some of the more troubling difficult characters that have participated in my life and that I have allowed to hurt me deeply. I am also relishing taste, visions, sounds, scents, and sensations in a way that I have never done before. Many times a day, I find my Self thinking how absolutely wonderful and amazing is it for my senses to receive so much pleasure and I give thanks.

It is encouraging to see my mother doing so well. Since we have been placing high protein shakes in her bathroom for her to enjoy shortly after she gets out of bed, she has become a vital being who has regained possession of her mind and strenghtened her spirit. Even better, my mother herself notices her improvement, understands that it has to do with ingesting nutrients early in her day, and has become proactive about managing her nutrition and health. Such a change: in early May, I gave her five months in her condominium before we would have to move her into assisted living. Now I give her years.


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