Thursday, July 21, 2011


I have decided to have another go at A Course in Miracles. I have tried it before, been part of a "Course in Miracles" discussion group, and infrequently take the book off the shelf to read a snippet of it. I am using it to attempt to keep my Self focused on my spiritual development. I am being distracted by my garden which, in its own way, is a spiritual experience. I think that I will always take moments during my walks to indulge in some brief episodes of mindfulness and meditation. This is because it has now become a habit and I enjoy it. Lately, I have been drawn to look up and wallow in the beauty of the sky, cloud patterns, and the many hues and shades that predominate therein. So now, while walking Sadie, I look up and have to remind my Self to look down so that I don't trip or slip.

I continue to be extremely happy. I am finding it easier and easier to forgive and even appreciate some of the more troubling difficult characters that have participated in my life and that I have allowed to hurt me deeply. I am also relishing taste, visions, sounds, scents, and sensations in a way that I have never done before. Many times a day, I find my Self thinking how absolutely wonderful and amazing is it for my senses to receive so much pleasure and I give thanks.

It is encouraging to see my mother doing so well. Since we have been placing high protein shakes in her bathroom for her to enjoy shortly after she gets out of bed, she has become a vital being who has regained possession of her mind and strenghtened her spirit. Even better, my mother herself notices her improvement, understands that it has to do with ingesting nutrients early in her day, and has become proactive about managing her nutrition and health. Such a change: in early May, I gave her five months in her condominium before we would have to move her into assisted living. Now I give her years.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today I am noticing a subtle shift. Actually, I think I was noticing this yesterday. It probably isn't anything to do with being spiritually awake, but I am writing about it anyway because it is interesting to me and I think that it is something that I should make an accounting of.

What precipitated this is that I have been spending a lot of time On-line, especially YouTube, trying to clear up some questions I have. One was about the rhesus negative aspect of my blood group. There were few answers there and lots of questions still remain. I did learn that my low body temperature is normal and is related to the rhesus factor. I also learned that Rh - tend to experience more fatigue than everybody else and that it has something to do with oxygen. If this is the case, I can stop spending huge amounts of money on this and that vitamin and this and that mineral in the hope that I will have more energy. Instead, I will simply have to come to terms with the fact that I am able to sprint but not run a marathon, which I have known since I was a young woman, but hoped to be able to change. This also goes with my B blood group. I also learned that the eyes are more sensitive and I must say that I never go out in bright daylight, be it overcast or clear, without a hat with a good brim that is blue on the underside. Yes, blue is the trick for me and seems to do a better job of shading my eyes than any other colour. Apart from that, I surmised that rhesus negative was designed for a cooler climate and that is probably why I don't like baking on a beach and why I sleep best in a cold room.

As I was looking at all this information, the business of ETs came up. I certainly think that ETs explain the sudden advancement of mankind from primitive man to modern Homo sapien. And I have one other mystery in my life that I have never been able to clear up: was it a small UFO or a white truck sitting on the highway in my lane in front of me at about 80 meters distance (it was early morning in October and still dark), facing me with two headlamps that behaved more like spotlights pointed at my car, that suddenly took off sideways across two lanes of highway and vanished into thick forest while travelling at quite a clip? Oh yes, where the highway meets the forest there is a three meter drop off or bank. If I were driving over a bank into a forest, I certainly wouldn't try to get my car to go sideways and in that light, I probably would tackle the problem carefully and slowly.

With this immediate revisiting of the UFO issue, I have found myself appreciating more than ever colour; music; natural sounds; flavour; texture; my animal family members; the landscape before my eyes; and even the human race, despite everything it does. In fact, I would say I have just acquired a newfound sense of kinship and love for the human race. We will see how long this lasts, but it is very unusual. I am presently able to forgive humans for their flaws and errors, as perceived by me. Most unusual for me and a very pleasant state of mind and harmony to find one's Self in.


Saturday, July 09, 2011



HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE (5 of 5) Pineal Gland



I have become very busy with the garden and I continue to help my mother. I don't seem to be doing much in the way of spiritual development and have nothing new to report. Having said this, I am happier than I have ever been. I love my home; love my garden; love my dog and cats; love my children; try to love my mother although it is sometimes difficult; love my life. Although I am not meditating or reading much these days, I continue to ponder the Infinite Mystery almost non-stop and I remember to be present when I am walking Sadie.

I have spent the last couple of days at home gardening and making bread, and listening to music which I seem to need at the moment. I have just discovered a little Tarantella for two pianos and four hands, by Shostokovich, and listen to it several times a day.

We have been enjoying beautiful weather here in Cowichan Bay. The garden is growing well and it is giving me much pleasure. I especially enjoy taking tea and a spiritual book into the garden where I sit in a low beach chair beside the pond and enjoy. This doesn't last very long as Sadie and at least one cat usually join me and behave as if it is a great occasion and can we please not read but rather scratch and tickle us.

I am enjoying a series of YouTube videos about the Holographic Universe and Quantum Communication. I am intrigued by the concept that the pineal gland is the third eye. If I can figure out how to embed the first of these YouTube video series into my blog, I will do it. I did it before, but they have since changed the instructions and method a little, or so I think. Anyway, I will give it a go.